Hi Rachel, thanks very much for having me here! Your blog is very tidy, isn’t it? I’m used to places full of biscuit crumbs and dog hair, but it’s very clean and neat in here. You didn’t tidy up just for me, did you? Because I’ve brought two cream slices to eat while we chat, and you know how those things just go everywhere once you bite into them … Perhaps I ought to have a plate? Oh, and while you’re up, I’ll have a cup of tea, please. Splash of milk, no sugar and strong enough to bend a spoon.
Where were we? Oh, yes, I remember, I came over to talk about Hubble Bubble, didn’t I, and the writing and editing process? I’ll try to concentrate then … oh, look, there’s the cream … sorry about the mat. It’ll be fine, sponges off a treat.