Those who prosper by thievery, thuggery, or by ruining another, have chosen to live on the devil’s dime.
She is a beautiful, talented violinist. He is a crusader against crime, using his newspaper column to expose injustice and bring down those who lived on the take -- on the devil’s dime.
When investigative reporter Jess Pepper’s column re-opens a twenty-year-old case, he has no idea it will put a target on the back of his sweetheart’s father. And get her abducted. Now he has forced an innocent Samaritan into the public eye, and set a corrupt precinct chief on a course for revenge. Jess must discover not only who wants this good man dead, but how to save the woman who has turned his world upside down and captured his heart.
Why I read this book: I bought this title for my Kindle in December 2011 for $2.99, and have no memory of where I heard of it and what led me to buy it. I randomly chose the title from my Kindle list last month when scrolling for something to read, probably because the author’s surname starts with B, so it was near the top. (Did you think it was a scientific or fair process? Psh)